Welcome to New 2 Neuropsychology! Are you curious about the brain and human behavior? Are you interested in a career in neuropsychology? If so, you're in the right place. What is N2N? New2Neuropsychology (N2N) is an organization of professional and in-training neuropsychologists.We’re helping build a more diverse next generation of neuropsychologists by demystifying the process of pursuing a career in this amazing field! We’ve developed this website to compile useful resources for those interested in neuropsychology. We also visit schools to give presentations to historically underrepresented students and host networking events throughout the year.Learn more about us here. To start learning about neuropsychology, click below: What is neuropsychology? Why should I become a neuropsychologist? How do I become a neuropsychologist? To access resources for mentorship and networking, click below: Find a mentor Connect with a N2N student liaison To keep up to date on neuropsychology news and resources: Follow us on Twitter @New2Neuropsych Follow us on Instagram @New2Neuropsych Read our newsletter